Sunday 25 January 2009

Sunday, 25th January 2009 its been a while since I wrote anything! Its hard to write about the hell people keep diaries for YEARS beats me!!

So...maybe a recap of some of the things going on here.......

David got Jude's life insurance paid out....that was THE biggie. His house is now paid off, and secure, and he is relieved of the mortage payments. That was the thing I worried about most, that he'd lose the house. Its safe now. Plus he actually got serious and set up trust funds and stuff like that for Thomas........all good stuff :).

'Flu has been going through the family like the black death, though luckily (so far) I have'nt got it (but if I could find a bookie that would take that bet???). Bad enough to have David staying here while I played nursie....I mean, Nell, David, and Thomas all at once? Plus Daniel, plus my darling daughter (who is the worlds WORST patient!!).

Today was Megan's birthday.....she was born on the day my Dad died, so this is ONE birthday I can remember . Claire held a party.......and 17 (count them, SEVENTEEN!) lil girlies attended. I can only say that there were two little boys....Daniel and Thomas. Can you wonder why **I** managed to avoid that party? I cannot IMAGINE a worse hell !! :). Sooo...David and I had a very peaceful afternoon, watching movies that the bastard downloaded on MY capped connection (which is almost BUST for this month! ). Still...'Slumdog Millionaire' is good......the other one, not so good (in fact, total crap) - Tropic Thunder, it was called. Total waste of good bandwidth and disk space :)

Tomorrow, I will visit the gravesite, with flowers etc, as ya do. I STILL feel the loss of my Dad very strongly, in fact I think I always will. Odd....up to the point where I joined the RAF, my Dad and I fought like cats and dogs (and I mean fought...we DID come to blows!), but from that moment on we were the best of mates. He taught me TONS after that.......or is it that it was then that I started listening and learning? He was an engineer of the old school, a toolmaker, which then was the top of the engineering tree. I guess it was from him I learnt never to throw anything out because there is always a fix. Dad, if you are listening or watching, DAMN IT!!... you might have shown me how to fix things, but you never once told me how to get RID of things!!! This is why I now live in a junk shop!!