Monday, 24 November 2008

25th November 2008

...and really the 24th November, since I have not been to bed yet :).

OK...some updates. David has FINALLY bought a car. Nine month old VECTRA, which he picks up Thursday. In the meantime, they actually LENT him a car. I found that a wee bit strange, but who am I to argue? He's mobile as of now. I think he's quite pleased with it....I know WE are quite pleased . Meanwhile, being as he is mobile, he's been driving around the country like a mad thing, visiting EVERYONE! As a little example, he went to visit Nell's brother, Billy. Now, its probably been 4 years since he SEEN Billy, but is that a deterrent? He also learned a little lesson - always carry a spare set of EVERYTHING in the car. Apparently Thomas had an 'episode' whilst there, which entailed him borrowing some of Billy's g/kids clothes. In other words, there was shit EVERYWHERE :). He'll learn .

Today, I had to go register Jude's death. I had assumed, from the phone call I got, that they now had all the details to hand, from the Coroners report. Bad mistake! I was asked questions like, Jude's date of birth?....her maiden name? (of COURSE I knew it...I just could not SPELL it!!). All the stupid little details!! Like 'Where did she die?'............well how in hell do you say 'in a car in an abandoned garage' ??? Anyway...its done. I now have the death certificates in my hand, and now the REAL work starts, like sorting out the mortgage and benefits etc. The Registrar was a very sympathetic lady....I guess she has to be. Still, it was a very uncomfortable time for me, trying to answer all those questions.

Now that David is mobile again, he went straight home from work. He needs to.....the house is COLD and he needs to get a fire going and heating on, for us delivering Thomas. So by the time Nell took Thomas out there, there was a fire going in the hearth, and heating going. That has to MEAN something? Like, 'hi son....lets get you bathed' without freezeing the lil mite :).

Meanwhile, I spent that time while Thomas was being delivered bloody IRONING!! I had to - I'd run out of shirts . Still....I caught up on some recorded tv programs while doing it :). Once, I'd have spent my evening romping around the I iron. A poem occurs to me, a few lines of which are:

And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away." THAT just TOTALLY encapsulates the changes in my life :). Where once I roamed free and untrammelled, now I am a footnote :).

Kids? I miss my friends. Will-o-the-wisps in cyberspace they might be, but nevertheless, they were (ARE!) real to me. You lot never quite got your head round that, did you :). You can keep your 'facebooks' and 'friends reunited' and MODERN stuff like that.......I far outdated you :) (HEY! ABOUT that!.......the oul' fella was actually quite hip . ).

SO.....on to tomorrow (actually today!). I get my usual sticking plaster again (Daniel). I might actually get my new monitor too (its in the post). I am quite looking forward to that because I have lusted after a flat screen for AGES! Its a 19" woulda been a 22" only I had my doubts that I could actually get something that big to SIT up here :). You can just BET that with Daniel stuck to me, I won't get a chance to FIDDLE with the damn thing!!! .

ah well........

enough for the noo

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