Time for some kind of update, I suppose, though I have no idea about WHAT! So..herewith me rambling :).
Things now is in a kind of flux (re Thomas). With David being mobile again, he's able to go straight home from work and get the place warmed up. The obvious corollary is, we have been seeing less of David. No doubt things will settle down into some kind of routine, but at the moment its a bit 'suck it and see'. Still, there have been no major disasters, so thats gotta be a good thing.
Its been one of them days where the sun shines BRIGHT, yet its bloody freezing outside, and the frost in the shadows never melts. Quite perfect weather for walking :). So we did. Nell pushed the pram with Thomas, and I pushed the buggy with Daniel, and we took off down the towpath. Loaded with stale bread, I might add :) . Ducks and swans got fed, Daniel thoroughly enjoying that, and Thomas, with his little bright enquiring eyes looking at everything. Well....he got a wee bit fractious towards the end, but it WAS past his feed time, so that was forgivable :). It also knocked Daniel out - when ya gotta sleep, ya gotta sleep :). Was good :).
New flat screen monitor is now in place, and the omens are favourable. Things look good at the bigger resolution now possible. I should have bought one of these things ages ago! I like it :).
Also on the techie front? The fancy DVD recorder that Joanne bought me last Christmas has been being put through its paces. Not, of course, without a few glitches (and coasters!) along the way. I had saved all kinds of stuff on the sky+ box, and I was running out of space, so it was time for some burning. Ever tried reading a manual with one hand while spoonfeeding a baby with the other? Its quite difficult :). Now, of course, I need to resupply my stock of DVD's - did I mention I made a few mistakes along the way? :). Keeping up with technology just gets more difficult by the day!
What else? Joanne. Dr Stu had one of them fancy Iphone things (the original version), which was freely updated for him to the latest version. Joanne then got his OLD one, which she promptly managed (after a few weeks use) completely knacker. Daughter, is it any wonder I send you back to the shops to deal with stuff like this? The OLD one was still in warranty, so she complains. Then follows all the 'returns' crap that you have to go through. The bottom line is, tonight, right in the middle of zoo time known as dinner, UPS arrives with a parcel. When Joanne arrives, and the parcel is opened, what is inside? You probably guessed....a brand new MK 2 Iphone. Does the expression 'falling in shit and smelling like a rose' mean anything?
enough for now....maybe when I have a couple of brandies, I'll add :).
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