Saturday, 20 December 2008

Sadurday 20th December 2008

OK.........its been too long since I done anything here. Mainly because to me it seems nothing happens worth writing about. However.......gotta write something :)

On the techie front (always a good place to start). I was wandering around Tesco's the other day, looking for inspiration (as ya do).....and I find a webcam on sale for a mere £5. Now given that my own webcam, which cost me a bloody FORTUNE when I got it, seems now to be on its last legs, this was a no brainer. Installed FINE on a pic and everything, though I have not had a chance yet to try it out with a third party. THEN I dual booted Vista. Nightmare!!! First, because I really don't LIKE Vista, it had been a while since I booted it - and naturally there is a TON of updates to be done. So I let it get on with it. seemed like after every update, I had to reboot. Guys, this is a LOT of rebooting!! Well finally I get to the point where I think all this nonsense is finished, so I can now try installing the new cam. Guess what?....more rebooting. BUT.....not without some trouble I finally get it installed.......only to be told I need to reboot again. So I do. Then what? that I got VISTA all patched up etc etc ad bloody nauseum, the bloody thing THEN tells me its got ANOTHER update...only this time its a service pack. I bow to the inevitable, and let it go ahead. (keep in mind this is all just to install a cheapo webcam!!) WELL!!...the FINAL tally was a good EIGHT hours of patching and installing before I could even get to look at the cam to see if it worked. (It did ) No wonder Vista gets slated........that amount of time before you can actually DO anything is just plain ridiculous!
On a kind of parallel note, the OLD webcam is now moved over to Linux....and works. Admittedly there were a FEW issues (still is), but in general its fine (apart from the crappy picture it now puts out that makes me look like I just overdosed on carrot juice after being locked in a tanning booth )

The foundling. Well......he now has FOUR teeth.....and is practicing like mad with them :) He's into chewing everything he can get his hands on. Including any flesh that wanders his way :) He's also finding his legs. He's got a baby walker thing, and he's tickled pink with himself that he can (a) stand up in it and (b) make the damn thing move (backwards only, at the moment ) He's a perfect little delight.....always GRINNING!! I think he and Daniel are going to be mates...... I had to borrow Joanne's digital vid cam to try keeping up with all this development, and now I need to get it all burnt on to a DVD. Getting it shrunk enough to share on the internet is also now a bit of a problem.......I'm running out of disk space! Do I hear shopping trip being muttered in the background here??

Monday coming, I have my appointment for an MRI on my neck/shoulder. At 8pm! I really now don't expect much to come of it all, after talking a lot with DR Stu about what is possible and what is NOT possible. Ah well....maybe I can become ambidextrous :) Its the STUPID little things that get me! just buttoning a shirt when you can't FEEL the damn buttons!!

aaaccckk!! I'm angry with myself!!

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