OK.........its been too long since I done anything here. Mainly because to me it seems nothing happens worth writing about. However.......gotta write something :)
On the techie front (always a good place to start). I was wandering around Tesco's the other day, looking for inspiration (as ya do).....and I find a webcam on sale for a mere £5. Now given that my own webcam, which cost me a bloody FORTUNE when I got it, seems now to be on its last legs, this was a no brainer. Installed FINE on XP....got a pic and everything, though I have not had a chance yet to try it out with a third party. THEN I dual booted Vista. Nightmare!!! First, because I really don't LIKE Vista, it had been a while since I booted it - and naturally there is a TON of updates to be done. So I let it get on with it. ONly.....it seemed like after every update, I had to reboot. Guys, this is a LOT of rebooting!! Well finally I get to the point where I think all this nonsense is finished, so I can now try installing the new cam. Guess what?....more rebooting. BUT.....not without some trouble I finally get it installed.......only to be told I need to reboot again. So I do. Then what?...now that I got VISTA all patched up etc etc ad bloody nauseum, the bloody thing THEN tells me its got ANOTHER update...only this time its a service pack. I bow to the inevitable, and let it go ahead. (keep in mind this is all just to install a cheapo webcam!!) WELL!!...the FINAL tally was a good EIGHT hours of patching and installing before I could even get to look at the cam to see if it worked. (It did
On a kind of parallel note, the OLD webcam is now moved over to Linux....and works. Admittedly there were a FEW issues (still is), but in general its fine (apart from the crappy picture it now puts out that makes me look like I just overdosed on carrot juice after being locked in a tanning booth
The foundling. Well......he now has FOUR teeth.....and is practicing like mad with them :) He's into chewing everything he can get his hands on. Including any flesh that wanders his way :) He's also finding his legs. He's got a baby walker thing, and he's tickled pink with himself that he can (a) stand up in it and (b) make the damn thing move (backwards only, at the moment
Monday coming, I have my appointment for an MRI on my neck/shoulder. At 8pm! I really now don't expect much to come of it all, after talking a lot with DR Stu about what is possible and what is NOT possible. Ah well....maybe I can become ambidextrous :) Its the STUPID little things that get me!....like just buttoning a shirt when you can't FEEL the damn buttons!!
aaaccckk!!...now I'm angry with myself!!
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