Saturday 18 July 2009

Saturday 18 July 2009

OK....its been a while since I posted anything at all. Who wants to read trivia? But I suppose I should try a precis of the last couple of months.

This is it.............SNAFU :)

First, and the thing that has MOST of the family all a-twitter is the 'heir-hunting' thing. Was contacted by a legal firm that hunts up heirs to unclaimed estates, and apparently I (along with others of course) am an heir to something. Don't know what, they don't tell you that. But....I signed up. The legal firm take 1/3 of whatever, and my attitude is that the remaining 2/3 of nothing is still nothing :). I fully expect this to be some kind of....I dunno, wind up?? Not so the rest of them. Every time the subject comes up, the flights of fancy get wilder and wilder. There are going to be some very disappointed people around here, soon :). I keep trying to point out that *I* know of at LEAST 4 others involved (my sister, for one), and God knows how many unknown ones. It all falls on deaf ears. I know the name of the person who died intestate, and for the life of me I cannot figure out a connection. The only thing *I* expect is the legal firm's research into the family tree, which they have promised to pass on to me when this is all over. Saves me reinventing the wheel <>.

Nathan. Now there is a topic!! My dearly loved little grandson has grown up into a surly, uncommunicative, common-sense-less, idiot. Is there anyone on this earth that does not HATE the teen years?? Last week, he was supposed to join his Mum at the caravan with two friends - he arrived with five. She went ballistic...being as there were already 5 kiddies already there. There is a limit to how many you can squeeze into a tin box <>. The girlies (there were two of them) were sent home on the first train the next morning, and two of the lads followed soon after. Nathan was despatched back here the next day.....a much chastened lad. So far he has been keeping a low profile and staying well out of my way (first bit of common sense he has demonstrated in ages!).

Thomas. More and more he has been staying with us of a night. Not through any machinations on our part, just real life imposing conditions. David has to work like everyone else, and is just finding it real difficult to cope with a job and a baby. He DOES go really out of his way to spend a lot of time with Thomas, though...and it is noticable that there is a bond between them. You should see his little face light up when his Dad appears :). I can see my old age being a busy old age when he finally figgers out what his feet are for <>. There WAS a bit of a glitch in all this when both David and Nell contracted swine flu. Now that was NASTY! Thankfully, they seem to be over it now. Odd thing is, of all the rest of the grandkids who pass through here, only Daniel went 'under the weather'....but no one was able to tell if HE had got swine flu or just some normal kiddie summer thing.

OK...its not much....but its very brevity tells you how BORING things are here <>.

I'll try being more regular

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