Friday, 17 October 2008

Friday 18th October 2008

Well, technically its saturday, because its just gone midnight. Never mind....the new day don't start for me until I get up in the morning. Nothing much, again, today. Just the usual stuff. We have Thomas again tonight. David going out from work, with friends, and probably that will be the usual drunken 'lad's night out' thing. I have no problem with that - it sorta means he's picking up the threads again, if only in a minor way. A bigger thing is, he has to go to Glasgow for a couple of days early next week for something related to his work. Again, no problem, except that Mertie (the other granny) returns home from another of her expeditions abroad today, and since no one has yet got to speak to her, its very likely that she'd want to see (or keep) Thomas for at least some of that time that David is in Glasgow. So THOSE arrangements are a wee bit up in the air at the moment. Still....she has a right! It'll sort itself out, one way or t'other.

I worry about Nell.......she's driving herself towards an early grave, with all the stuff we take on. There is just no way of telling her to STOP! In addition to the kiddie stuff, my washing machine has been working overtime dealing with stuff she either gets asked to do, or picks up when she goes to Davids. As for ironing and stuff like that?........well, with 3 kiddies around, not much of THAT happens during the day (by EITHER of us), and by evening, we are both indifferent to that pile! I try to help as much as I can, cooking, cleaning, and such......but sometimes that feels like pushing a pea up a mountain with your nose. At the same time, I fully understand the root cause - MONEY! I know I'd hate to be young and trying to buy a house etc takes two incomes nowadays just to keep your head above water. Maybe we should all just sell up, pool the money, and buy one big house with lots of rooms, so at least everyone is in the one place. Look at the petrol money we'd all save.

Done some ploughing around on the net, looking into the neck/arm thing. Hopeless!! Everything I found was either far too technical for me and way over my head, or was written by one-fingered typing idiots. Still, I'll have to persist. When I finally DO get the call from the orthopediacs, I want to be armed and ready for them Or maybe I should just move to America - they seem to be right on the ball over there, medically speaking......even if they leave hospital minus the proverbial arm-and-a-leg :)

Haven't talked to my friend Wendy, much, lately. I'll have to do something about that - she's usually pretty well up on medical stuff, and knows the 'system' inside out. Note to self to action that :)

Well, I've just read over what I've written. Awful! There is just no WAY you can avoid trivia! Its as if your fingers get taken over by some obscure part of your head that says 'you started, so finish', like some nightmare version of mastermind. The stuff just keeps appearing in front of you. If any of my descendants ever work their way through this mass of verbiage, I'll be VERY surprised!!

You still paying attention, kids???.........this is my LIFE in front of ya!!........don't you DARE burn it!!


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