Another dank, dark, cold, wet, thoroughly miserable day. Everyone trapped in the house because of the weather. Who on earth would voluntarily live in this beknighted country?? When I was in the RAF, and getting around, seeing the world, all I could think of then was how nice it would be to be at home. I must have been MAD!! I have discovered I have a lot of sympathy with those folk who take themselves off to Spain for the winter months. I mean, my heating bill alone would probably cover the cost of three months in Spain. Pity that most of Spain is inhabited by Spaniards, with the leftover bit inhabited by rude Brits and towel wielding Germans
Continued on with the 'backup' thing for Joanne. I have just about finished that, now. She'll call on her way home from work to collect the kids, and her computer. Everyone KNOWS about the importance of backups, but very few people actually do it. Now I know why - its the most boring job in the world :)
Nell has been busy churning out apple pies. She really DOES make the most delicious ones. One of the kids just has to ask her to bake one, and its like watching a gun-dog take off after a kill. So far, David has had two (one of which he took into work and passed off as 'all his own work'), Simon has had one, and Joanne - well, Joanne is so taken with them that she's actually attempting her own. More word on that after Dr Stu has his stomach pumped out
Time to go check on my Pork Roast..........more later if the notion takes me :)
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