Thursday, 23 October 2008

Thursday 23rd October 2008

Worn out! Who can remember that 2 yr olds TALKED so much!! He never shut up ALL BLOODY DAY. He also has discovered that adults are practically incapable of ignoring the word 'WHY?' Its a bit like the chinese water torture....drip, drip, drip :)

Thomas, well, he's got a cold. Pretty bad one too. Snot everywhere . And you just KNOW that everyone else has caught it from him. David is pretty bad - bad enough to ask if he could stay here tonight. He's my son....he needs to ask??? Both Nell and I have it too, though not as badly as those two.

(note to self.....its bad grammar to start a sentence with a conjunction, and I just did, up there - little blast from the past )

We also have Nathan, the criminal, staying tonight (and all next week probably). He's off school tomorrow (friday) for some teacher day thing, and he's off all next week because of the Halloween break. So tonight we have a full house, David, Thomas, and Nathan. (Odd?.... I don't remember getting so much time off school for Halloween?). Maybe the memory is going with the onset of dementia :)

Absolutely TERRIBLE day, weatherwise. Howling gale and pissing rain. One of the roof panels of the greenhouse blew off, flew over the house, and ended in the front garden. I suppose I was lucky it was still in one piece, and made of plastic rather than glass. However, a little aluminium strip that helped to hold it in place has disappeared completely. When it calms down a bit, a more exhaustive search is called for, though its likely its in Donegall by now :) The dogs, of course, are by now into giving me reproachful looks as if to say 'why haven't we been out much today?' Well SORRY, dogs, but only an idiot would venture out on such a day!!!

Hmm...what else? Elaine managed to screw up her desktop, and at the same time STEP on the screen of the laptop. Both ended up here. I am getting ruthless in my old age....wiped the desktop and reinstalled (and to hell with trying to save anything first), and done a restore thing on the laptop. Did I mention that she'd been contacted by her ISP to inform her that she was sending out THOUSANDS of emails? THAT caused a bit of a stir So maybe the reinstalls on both computers was not such a bad idea. I should have also asked her why the hell the laptop was laying on the floor, too

Still with Elaine, or more properly Noel. When I 'acquired' the greenhouse from Liz, Noel helped me collect it. Noel being Noel, and a born scavanger, also noted the presence of a garden shed (which also has to go before Liz moves). So now he wants me to contact Liz again to ask about the shed - IE, can he have it. I suppose I better do that, tomorrow. Noel, despite being very rough and ready, is ALWAYS willing to help out when you need help, so its kind of beholden on me to at least make the effort. I always sort of thought that, in those war movies like 'The Great Escape'? - there is always a character designated as 'the scrounger'? Noel would be perfect for the part

Time to post this....if anything further occurs to me, it'll be tacked on :)

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